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A truly fabulous snapshot enters the arena! This snapshot brings fundamental changes to our rendering pipeline with the introduction of the brand new tech that is OpenGL Core 3.2. On top of that, we're finally introducing the Lush Caves biome. However, as with the Dripstone Caves, this is only available through creating a custom world.
绝妙的快照加入对决!新快照对我们的渲染管线做了一些基础性的修改,这是通过引入全新的 OpenGL Core 3.2 科技做到的。除此之外,我们终于加入了繁茂洞穴生物群系。然而,与滴水洞穴类似,暂时只能通过创造自定义世界看到这个群系。
There's an important note about this snapshot for those of you with older computers: With the introduction of OpenGL Core 3.2 there is a chance Minecraft Java will no longer run on computers that do not meet the minimum system requirements . Computers that meet the minimum system requirements should not be affected.
如果你用的电脑比较老的话,有一则重要公告要告诉你:由于引入了 OpenGL Core 3.2,Minecraft Java 可能不能再在不满足最低系统要求的电脑上运行了。满足要求的电脑应该不会受到影响。
New Features in 21w10a
21w10a 中的新特性
Added Lush Caves underground biome!
Added Cracked Deepslate Bricks and Cracked Deepslate Tiles
There is now an Infested variant of Deepslate found in the underground
While they will not generate in the world by default, Deepslate versions of copper, emerald and coal ores have been added for use by creators of maps and data packs
Lush caves biome
The Lush Caves underground biome now exists for use in single-biome worlds. It does not yet generate in other world types.
Moss covers the floors and ceilings
Spore Blossoms grow from the ceiling and drip particles
Contains clay pools with Dripleaf Plants grow out of them
Contains Azalea Bushes and Flowering Azalea Bushes
The Azalea Tree loves to have its roots in lush caves, so if you find an Azalea Tree (either overground or in a cave) you know there is a Lush Cave beneath you
Cave Vines with Glow Berries grow from the ceiling and light up the caves
Changes in 21w10a
21w10a 中的修改
Cobbled Deepslate can now be smelted into Deepslate
Deepslate can now be placed along any axis
Lightning rods can now be waterlogged
Fossils in the deepest part of the underground generate with Deepslate Diamond Ore instead of Coal Ore
The textures of Deepslate and some of the ores have been updated

Changes to ore textures in snapshot 21w10a. Click here for a link to the full resolution image.
21w10a 中的材质修改。点此查看全分辨率版本图像。

New textures for emerald, coal, and copper in Deepslate. Click here for a link to the full resolution image.
Ore distribution
Overworld ore generation has been tweaked.
More emeralds in mountains
More lapis
Less copper, gold, and Redstone
Smaller diamond blobs, but slightly more frequent. Less diamond ore overall though
Less iron, and it generates lower down
Reduced air exposure for coal

Ore distribution in Minecraft Snapshot 21w10a. Click here for a link to the full resolution image.
21w10a 中的矿石分布。点此查看全分辨率版本图像。
Technical Changes in 21w10a
The game now runs using OpenGL 3.2 core profile
游戏现在使用 OpenGL 3.2 core profile 运行
The maximum size that slimes can be summoned with is now 128
史莱姆能生成的最大尺寸现在是 128
The give command can only give up to 100 stacks of items at a time (e.g. 6400 stone or 100 iron swords)
give 命令现在一次性最多给予 100 组物品(例如,6400 石头或 100 铁剑)
Rendering is now using OpenGL 3.2 core profile. All fixed function rendering has been replaced with shader based rendering.
渲染现在使用 OpenGL 3.2 core profile。所有固定功能渲染均被基于着色器的渲染取代。
Shaders are now included for all supported render states. Any shader except for the blit shader can also be replaced in resource packs. For now replacing these shaders is not officially supported and the way it works may change in the future.
所有支持的渲染状态都已包括着色器。除了 blit 着色器外的任何着色器都可在资源包中被替换。目前替换这些着色器还不被正式地官方支持,将来它工作的方式可能还会有变化。
The current rendering engine uses a system similar to the post processing shader pipeline. There are some differences between both system that cater to the slightly different requirements.
Fixed bugs in 21w10a
Dianliang233、Light Beacon、Lxazl5770、Ricolove、SPGoding、WuGuangYao、ff98sha、lakejason0、xuan_su、zyjking
MC-29318 - Client misses inventory updates while player is manipulating items - causes invisible items
MC-29318 - 玩家移动物品时客户端未更新物品栏,产生隐性物品
MC-84121 - Shape of glow effect is based on mob’s base layer
MC-84121 - 发光状态效果的轮廓错误地根据生物的基础材质层(Base layer)而非实际生物绘制
MC-87019 - Only visible slots are updated clientside when you are inside an inventory
MC-87019 - 在打开任意容器(包括物品栏)的gui时,仅有可见的物品会被外部操作更新
MC-154094 - Lectern running /clear turns items into ghost items
MC-154094 - 在讲台上通过书本点击事件运行/clear会导致被清除的物品变为幽灵物品
MC-175964 - Setblock command run by book in lectern to clear inventory run in command block causes ghost items
MC-175964 - 在讲台上通过书本点击事件运行/setblock激活命令方块的/clear会导致被清除的物品变为幽灵物品
MC-201316 - The /give command can create so many items that the game will freeze
MC-201316 - /give命令在设置过高数值时会创建大量物品实体,致使游戏不响应
MC-207818 - Placing a sign from the offhand closes the sign UI immediately
MC-207818 - 用副手放置告示牌会立刻关闭界面,无法输入文字
MC-208301 - /clear does not properly affect the item on the mouse pointer after crafting it
MC-208301 - /clear未能正确清除合成后被鼠标拖动的物品
MC-210408 - /spawnpoint allows players to set their spawnpoint to out-of-bounds coordinates, which crashes the game when trying to respawn
MC-210408 - /spawnpoint可以让玩家设置越界的坐标,使得重生时游戏崩溃
MC-211666 - Guardians attack invisible axolotls
MC-211666 - 美西螈在隐形的情况下仍会被守卫者攻击
MC-212127 - Normal ink sac and glow ink sac are not grouped in the creative inventory
MC-212127 - 普通墨囊和发光墨囊在创造模式物品栏中没有归放到一起
MC-212144 - Subtitles refer to Glow Item Frame as “Item Frame”
MC-212144 - 荧光物品展示框的字幕显示为「物品展示框」
MC-212168 - Ctrl + Pick Block doesn’t copy block state “lit”
MC-212168 - Ctrl 键 + 拾取键不会复制方块状态 “ lit ”
MC-212236 - Cannot visually critical-hit a glow squid (No sound/particles)
MC-212236 - 对发光鱿鱼的暴击没有视觉效果(没有音效/粒子效果)
MC-212314 - Glow squid remains dark even if there is a light source block next to it
MC-212314 - 发光鱿鱼在附近有光源方块时也依然保持黑暗
MC-212325 - Glow Squid entity data (potion effects, custom name, …) does not get saved
MC-212325 - 发光鱿鱼的实体数据(药水效果、自定义名称等)不会被保存
MC-214629 - FOV decreases when underwater regardless of FOV Effects accessibility setting
MC-214629 - 不论辅助功能的视场角效果如何,在水下都会降低视场角
MC-214781 - Lava does not generate at the very bottom of noise caves
MC-214781 - 熔岩未在世界底部的噪声洞穴底内生成
MC-214784 - Fossils can generate floating in caves
MC-214784 - 化石在洞穴中悬空生成
MC-214836 - Water caves cause land to be excessively flooded
MC-214836 - 含水洞穴致使陆地泛洪
MC-214844 - Bedrock can be exposed to the air at the very bottom of the new caves
MC-214844 - 基岩会直接暴露在洞穴底部,不会被新洞穴生成破坏
MC-214970 - Phantoms continously make too much flapping sounds
MC-214970 - 幻翼不停地发出拍动翅膀的声音
MC-215194 - Structure blocks do not work below y=0
MC-215194 - 结构方块不会在y=0以下工作
MC-215838 - There is currently no way to craft deepslate tiles and deepslate bricks
MC-215838 - 无法合成深板岩瓦和深板岩砖
MC-215850 - Deepslate Tile Wall comes before Deepslate Brick Wall but Deepslate Bricks come before Deepslate Tiles in creative inventory
MC-215850 - 深板岩瓦墙在创造模式物品栏的排序在深板岩砖墙后,而深板岩瓦和深板岩砖则相反
MC-215939 - Emerald ore spawns in lower frequencies than it should above y=100
MC-215939 - 高度y>100的绿宝石生成频率过低
MC-216136 - Polished deepslate slab isn’t grouped with the other deepslate slabs in creative inventory
MC-216136 - 创造模式物品栏中磨制深板岩台阶未被与其它深板岩台阶分组在一起
MC-216363 - Crash upon replacing soul sand or magma with the other under a tall bubble column using /setblock
MC-216363 - 使用/setblock替换过高的气泡柱下的灵魂沙或岩浆块时游戏崩溃
MC-216735 - Stone Lapis Ore generating in Deepslate
MC-216735 - 在深板岩中会产生普通石头的青金石矿石
MC-216736 - Lava lakes generate exposed in caves
MC-216736 - 熔岩湖在洞穴中未被包覆地生成
MC-216765 - Coal ore can generate below Y=0 when attached to a fossil
MC-216765 - 煤矿石会生成在y=0以下的化石上
MC-216817 - Inconsistency: Cobbled deepslate cannot be smelted back into deepslate
MC-216817 - 深板岩圆石无法被烧炼回深板岩,有失一致性
MC-218139 - Spectator vision bug
MC-218139 - 旁观者模式下,在飞进水下方块时会改变 FOV
- 厂商:Mojang Studios_https://www.minecraft.net/zh-hans
- 包名:net.kdt.pojavlaunch
- 版本:edelweiss-20230928-9484d0c-v3_openjdk
- MD5值:3b597539770d4c09503205695acddf26