我的世界Minecraft Live1.19.10.105182

我的世界Minecraft Live
  • 软件类型:安卓游戏
  • 软件分类:休闲益智
  • 软件语言:中文
  • 支持系统:Android
  • 更新时间:2024/8/28 9:07:31
  • 开发商:Mojang Studios
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我的世界Minecraft Live是一款玩法比较自由的像素沙盒题材类游戏,在这款游戏里玩家想要的一起武器都需要依靠自己的双手创造的,玩家是否强大取决于玩家的想象力哦,喜欢这款游戏的玩家们,欢迎前来下载体验一下吧。

我的世界Minecraft Live游戏介绍

我的世界Minecraft Live是一款开放度极高的沙盒类手游,游戏中玩家们可以根据自己的想象,来打造属于你的世界,不同的东西会有不同的配方,每一个基础的资源都可以在游戏中轻松获取。全新升级的迷你世界游戏的玩法等你来,未来更新版本也是大伙儿关心的重点。在这里修建属于你的建筑,随意DIY要想如何建设都可以,喜欢的话能够试着建设属于你的城市或者房子哦。也有许多有意思的设计创意都可以在这里畅快展现,这就是你的世界。

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我的世界Minecraft Live游戏特色




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我的世界Minecraft Live游戏优势




我的世界Minecraft Live游戏测评

超高自由度的趣味冒险玩法,所有的区域都是可以进入的,还能轻松领养更多的小动物。回到田园的农耕时代,所有的组件资源都是你前进的动力,建造一座最磅礴的城市。 汇聚了多种创造的元素,无比激情的挖矿探险打怪系统,超级独特的欢乐创造模式。 丰富的沙盒玩法,打造自己的理想家园,海量道具应有尽有。 您可以自由使用所需的材料,以使自己拥有良好的体验和更好的演奏。

我的世界Minecraft Live相关说明


Minecraft Live: Vote For the Next Mob


Join the livestream to cast your vote!


Sofia Dankis

Do you remember what happened the last time we asked you to vote for a new mob? I do. Mainly because I haven’t slept since the Phantom started swooping around in Minecraft. Apparently my insomnia is not a company-wide concern because we’re going to go ahead and let you do it again. Woohoo.


Minecraft Live is just around the corner so it is high time to get all of your chickens in a row and decide which mob you want to vote for during our epic livestream. The voting will happen during the livestream at twitter.com/minecraft on October 3rd, so make sure you follow us if you want to make your voice heard! Before you get too excited, Jens and Agnes have already shot down the many, many suggestions of adding me to the game. It shouldn’t matter if all of them were sent at the same time in the same impeccable handwriting, the people want more writers in this little game of mining and crafting. Since they refuse to listen to reason, you will have to settle for picking between a shiny swimmer, a frozen fiend, or a blossoming bovine.

Minecraft Live 即将到来,所以在这么令人振奋的时刻,应该来让你的鸡排成一排,并决定你要在这一场史诗般的直播中选择为哪个生物来投票。本次投票将在 十月三日(北京时间为十月四日)的直播中在twitter.com/minecraft 上举行,所以如果你要投出宝贵的一票,请确保你关注了我们!在你那么激动之前,Jens 和 Agnes 已经拒绝了好多,好多的把自己加进游戏的建议。你们在同一时间,发出同样完美的文段,其实也没什么不对的,人们的确想要在这挖矿与创造的小游戏中多点作家。但自从他们不想听理由了,你就只能在一个闪闪发亮的游泳者,一个冰一般的恶魔,和一个身上开满鲜花的牛中三选一。

我的世界Minecraft Live生物种类



This cold-hearted illager from Minecraft Dungeons thrives in snowy, icy, and rocky areas. If you vote for this hostile mob, they will move into the new mountain tops that tower over the Overworld. Do you really want that? These mountains are so tall that vegetation doesn’t grow on them – just spiky ice formations, rocks, and snow as far as the eye can see. The Iceologer would make these mountains even more challenging, since they don’t just want to hang out up there. Oh no, when you meet one of them they will hurl flying ice clouds at you. Vote for the Iceologer if you want to experience hardcore snowball fights with a stunning view!

这位冷酷无情的灾厄村民在 Minecraft Dungeons 中冰天雪地、遍地乱石的地方生活着。你要是投了这个敌对生物一票,他们就会挪去在主世界中全新的高耸入云的山顶上。你真的想要这样吗?那些山可巨高了,上边没有植物,肉眼所见皆是冰刺、乱石与白雪。冰术师会让这些山更具挑战性,因为他们又不是上去就是为了闲逛的。哦不,当你遇见一个冰术师的时候他就会将冰云砸向你。你要想要体验这种伴随着震晕的硬核雪球,那么就投给冰术师吧!



This four-legged flower is a fan favorite from Minecraft Earth, and pretty much the opposite of hostile. Rumor has it that Mooblooms and bees will be able to interact with each other but nobody has told me exactly how. It’s almost like they want it to be a surprise and they don’t trust me. That is just rude as I am a consummate professional. Do you know how much restraint it took for me to write move instead of moo -ve just now? Anyway, vote for the Moobloom if you want the Flower Forest biome to be more floral than ever!

这只带着四条腿的花可是 Minecraft Earth 玩家的最爱,而且完全没有任何敌意。据传言说哞花与蜜蜂之间可以互动,但是没人告诉我它俩到底怎么互动。就像想给我一个惊喜但又不信任我。这对我这种完美的专业人士来说有点粗暴。你知道我刚才控制住我的手写 挪去 而不是 哞去 有多费劲吗?你想要让繁花森林前所未有的繁花吗,来投哞花吧!

Glow Squid


This shimmering sea creature also made its debut in Minecraft Earth, giving me the perfect opportunity to make a surf & turf joke but I won’t since I have already committed to writing a very serious article™. Let’s look at some factual facts instead of spending more time on puns, no matter how cleverly penned. The glow in Glow Squid doesn’t come from a bomb skin care routine but actually refers to the way it literally glows, in the same way that the Enderman’s eyes do. While we’re comparing this candidate to existing mobs, I can tell you that they are pretty similar to the squid that are already swimming around in Minecraft. They won’t attack players or other entities, but their glow is pretty atmospheric. That’s probably why they prefer dark bodies of water – the effect just isn’t the same in an already sun-drenched ocean. If you want to add more marine life to Minecraft and hasten the alleged squid uprising, vote for the Glow Squid!

这个闪闪发光的海洋生物也是在 Minecraft Earth 中亮相的,给了我一个绝佳的机会来开个关于海陆大餐的笑话,但是我不会的,因为我要发誓我要写一篇非常严肃的文章™。让我们把注意力放在事实上吧,而不是花在双关上,就算它写的再巧。发光鱿鱼的发光不是像爆炸那样的,它的发光是字面意义上的发光,就像是末影人的眼睛一样。当我们将其与现有生物做对比时,我可以确切的告诉你这东西与现在在 Minecraft 中畅游的鱿鱼没什么两样。它们不会攻击玩家或者其它实体,但它们的光是真的令人振奋。这可能就是为什么他们喜欢在深水中——和在充满阳光的海洋中感觉上就不一样。如果你想在 Minecraft 中添加更多海洋生物并且 加速鱿鱼起义的话,投给发光鱿鱼吧!

here you have it. Three mobs, one vote. Which one will you pick? Make your decision and join us on minecraft.net/live on October 3rd at 12 ET! Remember, if you want to participate you need to log on to Twitter, head to twitter.com/minecraft and vote in the poll!


  • 厂商:Mojang Studios_https://www.minecraft.net/zh-hans
  • 包名:com.netease.x19
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