
  • 软件类型:安卓游戏
  • 软件分类:模拟养成
  • 软件语言:中文
  • 支持系统:Android
  • 更新时间:2024/9/18 9:00:20
  • 开发商:Mojang Studios
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正式版是Minecraft基岩版经过一段时间的测试版测试之后得到的稳定版本,也是众多材质、Addon和官方领域服会逐渐跟进的版本。与此同时Google Play、Win10 Store等官方软件商店也会推送此次更新。

New Features:



Google Playhttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mojang.minecraftpe

Win10 Storehttps://www.microsoft.com/zh-cn/store/p/minecraft-for-windows-10/9nblggh2jhxj












Piglin Brute


Piglin Brutes are stronger versions of Piglins that live in bastion remnants and protect the treasures there


Unlike their cowardly and greedy counterparts, the Piglin Brutes cannot be distracted by gold and aren't afraid of anything


Piglin Brutes attack players on sight, no matter how the player is dressed


Piglin Brutes wield axes and don't need any armor because they're just that tough!


Crafting Interface Changes:



Recipe Select button prompt shows when hovering over a non-craftable recipe book item using controller?(MCPE-79725)


Recipe selected items put in crafting input grid can now be hovered over with controller to see their tooltip names


On controller, hovering over recipes will show them in the crafting grid when no recipe is selected


On controller, you can deselect a selected recipe when hovering above that selection in the recipe book. You can also clear the crafting grid by clicking the right thumbstick




Performance / Stability

Fixed a crash that occurred on PlayStation 4 due to other players using custom skins

Fixed a crash that could occur when pressing the Manage Account button in Profile settings

Loom blocks no longer cause an out of memory crash when using high resolution resource packs?(MCPE-69848)


Worlds can once again be uploaded to Realms on Nintendo Switch (REALMS-474)

Players can once again host 8 max player worlds on PlayStation 4?(MCPE-85009)

Fixed an issue where the Hot Tourist Destination trophy would not unlock after visiting the last required Nether biome on PlayStation 4?(MCPE-85496)

Meeting requirements for some achievements offline will now unlock it after reconnecting

Custom skins once again work properly in multiplayer (MCPE-48207)

Emotes can no longer be equipped before unlocking them (MCPE-84810)

Fixed notifications not appearing on iOS


Breaking a Furnace will now drop the stored experience from smelting (MCPE-71651)

Boats are no longer slowed down by objects with no collision (MCPE-81316)

Legacy chunk upgrades will no longer cause chunks to become 100% air (MCPE-58514)

New Nether biomes, blocks, and structures no longer generates into worlds with a fixed version (MCPE-66357)

Parity: Fixed chests with loot tables not generating loot until opened or destroyed

Local split-screen players can once again see the Ender Dragon and Ender Crystal?(MCPE-67596)

The bounding box of the player used for spawning is now the correct size, so we don't think a player is in a dangerous spot when they are actually safe


Mobs max spawn radius is now 44 blocks at sim distance 4 (MCPE-79359)

Zombies can spawn underground again (MCPE-52743)

Dolphins, fish, and squid now spawn in bubble columns again (MCPE-73967)

Baby pigs now despawn properly (MCPE-76373)

Hoglins no longer attack on Peaceful mode when too close (MCPE-71939)

Piglins and Brutes can now spawn with enchanted weapons?(MCPE-83536)

Piglins now spawn on Peaceful difficulty

Piglins no longer naturally spawn on Shroomlights

Piglin arms are now behaving more like the players arms and less like zombie arms (MCPE-74089)

Piglins killed with a single blow while admiring Gold Ingots now drop the admired the Gold Ingot :(

Gold Ingots given to baby Piglins are no longer consumed

Piglins no longer drop up to a full stack of Gold Ingots upon giving them one by right-clicking and reloading a world while they are admiring it, instead it drops something from its loot table

Piglins no longer pick up entire stacks of Gold (MCPE-76080)

Piglins no longer spawn with enchanted gear

Tweaked arm animation for mobs that have their weapons removed (MCPE-83581)

Tamed wolves no longer disappear when returning to overworld through a Nether portal

Husks now prefer iron armor over chain armor


Walls now connect to open trapdoors (MCPE-79490)

Walls now connect to glass blocks (MCPE-79483)

Pressure plates have been fixed to have no collision again?(MCPE-80276)

Melon and pumpkin stems now break again when the block below them is destroyed (MCPE-79577)

Slime blocks pushed by pistons launch players correctly again (MCPE-62419)

Fixed an issue that prevented players from being able to place beehives or bee nests from their inventory after an update (MCPE-62067)

Soul Campfires now emit the correct light level (MCPE-73890)

Hyphae blocks now take as long as stem blocks to destroy (MCPE-72045)

Quartz Block can no longer be created from Chiseled Quartz Block and Pillar Quartz Block in a Furnace

Fixed recipes when crafting a Barrel from Warped or Crimson Slabs

Quartz Bricks can no longer be crafted from anything but Quartz Blocks on the Stonecutter

Target Block's zones for particular redstone signal strength are no longer misplaced because of old Arrow geometry

Setting Soul Sand on fire no longer produces a placeholder Soul Fire block on pre-Nether version locked content


Netherite items no longer bounce on lava (MCPE-65372)

Using Bone Meal on flowers or grass blocks no longer consumes the item if nothing can grow (MCPE-73889)

Fixed issues around duplicating items when reloading a world while Piglin is admiring an item


Zoglins now have sounds distinct from pigs (MCPE-73220)

Netherite armor now has a unique sound when equipped MCPE-69047)

Climbing vines now plays sound (MCPE-69741)

Corrected sound for placing Nether Wart

Placing or stepping on Warped or Crimson processed materials or planks now make wood sounds (MCPE-69029)

Ambient cave sounds are no longer played in Marketplace content prior to 1.16

User Interface

Wither health bar no longer depletes to zero after half of the health is gone (MCPE-79661)

Wither health bar now reappears when returning from another dimension

The 'Open' tooltip is no longer displayed when looking at Piglins (MCPE-79376)

Speed of credits roll is no longer dependent on framerate


Fixed an issue with several commands being used while cheats were disabled (MCPE-92557)

Made using the '/fill' command more efficient, improving performance

Using the '/locate' command to find a Ruined Portal will no longer return placeholder text (MCPE-79323)

The '/clear' command now correctly removes all blocks with the same block name when no data argument is passed in

Making command selectors use the current position of an actor rather than the previous position of an actor

Fixed an issue that could cause Command Blocks to stop working unexpectedly


Updated Piglin geometry and entity files: Fixed issue with scaling carried item for baby humanoid mobs

Accessing a Beacon no longer spams the content log with warnings (MCPE-66357)

The 'rider_can_interact' field on 'minecraft:rideable' is now used again

Behavior animation components will no longer try to reload after a suspend resume and a mob/player rides something

Drowned geometry is no longer broken in content packs

  • 厂商:Mojang Studios_https://www.minecraft.net/zh-hans
  • 包名:com.mojang.minecraftpealpha
  • 版本:
  • MD5值:c7b650c26fbff2cec9818fa6e5f14281
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