
  • 软件类型:安卓游戏
  • 软件分类:休闲益智
  • 软件语言:中文
  • 支持系统:Android
  • 更新时间:2024/9/24 15:37:39
  • 开发商:Mojang Studios
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A Minecraft Java Snapshot

Minecraft Java版 快照

Waaaaaaaaaaah! It's Wal... wait that's not it. It's the warden! The spooky, unfriendly (maybe it just wants a hug?) mob is making its way into our latest snapshot.

啊哈哈哈,Warden 来喽!可怕的,不友善的(或者其实他们只是想抱抱?)它已经来到了我们最新的快照。

Additionally, you'll be seeing some functionality for the sculk shriekers and some fancy new boats (they have chests).

另外,快照也为 sculk shriekers 添加了功能,更还有些炫酷的船(它们有箱子)。




22W12A 的新增特性

Added Darkness mob effect

加入了 Darkness 生物状态效果

Added Sculk Shrieker functionality

为 Sculk Shrieker 加入了功能

Added the Warden mob

加入了 Warden

Added boat with chest


Added the Swift Sneak enchantment




Added functionality to the Sculk Shrieker: Notable for its boney appendages, this block responds to Sculk Sensors detecting vibrations by sending out a warning call to distant Wardens

为 Sculk Shrieker 加入了功能:这个方块有着明显的骨齿,当接收到Sculk Sensors因波动而发出的信号时,它就会向远处的Warden发出警告的尖叫

Watch out when stepping on them, as they will feel that too and send out a call!


Initially it may take some time for a Warden to arrive, but you’ll hear it responding in the distance…

最开始的时候 Warden 过来会需要一些时间,但是你能听到从远处传来的呼应…

Once it’s close enough, a call from the Sculk Shrieker will summon the Warden nearby - be prepared!

如果距离足够近,Sculk Shrieker的呼叫会立刻在附近召唤 Warden——请做好准备!



The horror of the Deep Dark! A creature with no eyes, roughly resembling the Sculk that can be found throughout the Deep Dark, the Warden is an unstoppable force of nature that inhabits this biome

Deep Dark里的恐怖生物!这个生物没有眼睛,与 Deep Dark 中随处可见的 Sculk 有些相似。Warden 是栖息在这个生物群系中无可阻挡的自然之力。

Just like Sculk Sensors, these terrifying creatures use vibrations as a means to navigate their environment

与 Sculk Sensor 一样, 这些可怕的生物使用振动来感受世界。

When vibrations aren’t enough, they will also use a sense of smell to track down their prey - you can observe them sniffing their surroundings to get closer to unsuspecting players and mobs


To add to their myriad of ways to detect you, try not to get too close! If you collide with a Warden, it will notice you

它们发现你的方式多种多样,所以不要靠得太近!如果你撞到了 Warden 身上,它们也会发现你

In the Deep Dark, Wardens are everywhere - you just can’t see them. They slumber beneath your feet, and only dig out when enough Sculk Shriekers have alerted them of your presence

在 Deep Dark, Warden 到处都是——你只不过是看不到它们而已。它们沉睡在你的脚下,如果有足够的 Sculk Shrieker 发现了你并发出警告,Warden 就会破土而出。

Watch your step: the more vibrations a Warden detects, the angrier it will get. You can hear and see this from how fast the souls in its chest are beating

注意你的脚下:振动得越激烈,Warden 的怒气就会越高。通过它们胸腔内灵魂的跳动速度,你就能通过视觉和听觉来得知它们的怒气程度。

Once a mob has pushed beyond the Warden’s anger threshold, it will face its prey and roar before charging

如果有生物让 Warden 的怒气超过了阈值,它就会面朝猎物,在开始冲撞前发出咆哮。

If, however, you keep the Warden from noticing you or getting angry for 60 seconds, it will dig back underground and despawn

不过,如果你能让 Warden 连续 60 秒都未能察觉到你/产生怒气,那么它就会重回土地消失掉。

They have a special interaction with thrown projectiles

Warden 对投掷物有特别的互动

If the Warden receives two projectile vibrations within 5 seconds of one another, it will grow angrier at the shooter

如果 Warden 在5秒内连续接受到两个投掷物产生的振动,就会将仇恨转移到发射者身上

If the Warden receives a projectile vibration more than 5 seconds from the last projectile, it will not grow angrier at the shooter


This allows you to strategically distract the Warden without it getting angry while you take loot from nearby chests

这可以让你在不惹怒 Warden 的情况下把它引诱走,然后拿走附近箱子里的战利品

Unfortunately for all players, Wardens will also disable shields when they hit them with their fists

对玩家来说有个坏消息:Warden 出拳的时候,被打中的盾牌会失效

They do not drop any loot


Wardens are powerful creatures, and it is often better to sneak around one that has emerged instead of taking it head on - you’ve been warned

Wardens 是一种强大的生物,如果 Warden 突然蹦出来,最好悄悄绕着走,不要上去硬刚——已经警告过你了哈



A new mob effect unique to the Warden and Sculk Shrieker, which will afflict you with it when nearby

一种新的状态效果,仅限 Warden 和 Sculk Shrieker 拥有,当你在其附近时,会影响你的视觉

Lowers the gamma down at an equivalent of “Moody” while having this effect

在该效果生效期间,将会强制降低游戏 Gamma 值到等同于“昏暗”的效果

In periodic pulses, will lower the overall brightness of the world so that the darkness creeps up against light sources


When the Warden is around, torches will be more important than ever!

当 Warden 在附近时,火把将会比平时更加重要!

A new Accessibility slider has been added in your Options menu called “Darkness Pulsing”

在你的设置菜单中,添加了一个新的滑动设置选项,命名为“Darkness Effect”

Controls how dark the Darkness effect gets when a Warden or Sculk Shrieker gives it to you, but will not affect the fog distance

控制 Warden 或 Sculk Shrieker 在 Darkness 效果下影响你的程度,但并不会影响迷雾距离



Lets you bring more stuff on your boat adventures


If you are in the boat, press the open inventory key to access the chest contents


If you are not in the boat, shift-right click to access the chest contents


If you break the boat the chest contents will spill out, like with other chests


Also works with hoppers, droppers, and other blocks that interact with chests


Like other chests, opening a boat chest or breaking the boat will anger piglins, since they think all chests belong to them




Imbue your leggings with this shiny new enchantment to move as fast while crouching as you would normally walk!


When applied, it will increase your movement speed while sneaking

这个附魔只会在 Ancient City 出现,一共有三个等级

Has 3 different levels with different speed increases


It is the first enchantment unique to leggings equipment!



22W12A 的修改内容

The Deep Dark biome is now less flooded than surrounding areas

降低了 Deep Dark 生物群系相比周围的水浸程度

Leaves are now waterloggable


Removed debug hotkey cycling render distance



22W12A 修复的漏洞

MC-149805 - While editing a book, you cannot use Ctrl+Home or Ctrl+End to jump to the beginning or end of the text

MC-149805 - 写书时无法使用 Ctrl + Home 和 Ctrl + End 跳到文本的开头和结尾

MC-165503 - Fence gates (between walls) aren’t affected by ambient occlusion/smooth lighting

MC-165503 - 末地传送门框架、门和栅栏门(在墙之间的)没有平滑光照/环境光遮蔽

MC-176081 - Striders with NoAI still get cold

MC-176081 - NoAI 的炽足兽依然会感到寒冷

MC-177321 - Soul sand doesn’t have smooth lighting / ambient occlusion

MC-177321 - 灵魂沙没有平滑光照/环境光遮蔽

MC-179916 - Foxes path towards origin (0,0) during a thunderstorm

MC-179916 - 雷暴期间狐狸会往 (0,0) 方向寻路

MC-190661 - Pressing Esc or using the Cancel button in the “Experimental Settings” warning returns to main menu

MC-190661 - 在“实验性设置”警告屏幕按 Esc 键或 [取消] 按钮会返回到主菜单

MC-197854 - Cannot use Ctrl+Backspace to delete entire words in Edit sign GUI

MC-197854 - 告示牌 GUI 中无法使用 Ctrl + Backspace 删除整个词语

MC-236149 - You cannot use CTRL+BACKSPACE to delete words in the book and quill GUI

MC-236149 - 书与笔 GUI 中无法使用 Ctrl + Backspace 删除词语

MC-236212 - You cannot use CTRL+ARROW KEY to navigate the cursor between words in the book and quill GUI

MC-236212 - 书与笔 GUI 中无法使用 Ctrl + 箭头键移动光标

MC-238009 - Some end cities can generate floating above the ground

MC-238009 - 有些末地城会浮空生成

MC-239019 - /locatebiome command doesn’t consistently locate the nearest cave biome

MC-239019 - /locatebiome 命令并不总是定位到最邻近的洞穴生物群系

MC-248621 - TagKey creation leads to memory leak

MC-248621 - 创建 TagKey 会导致内存泄漏

MC-249073 - Mangrove Fence Gate & Mangrove Fence are in the wrong tab in the creative inventory

MC-249073 - 红树木栅栏门和红树木栅栏在创造模式物品栏中分类错误

MC-249081 - Placing water inside the mangrove propagule breaks it

MC-249081 - 在红树胎生苗里放置水会破坏它

MC-249098 - Mud brick slabs use generic stone sound

MC-249098 - 泥砖台阶使用通用的石头音效

MC-249112 - Ender dragon fight is not triggered upon entering the End

MC-249112 - 进入末地后不会触发末影龙的战斗状态

MC-249134 - Subtitle “Frog hatches” should be “Tadpole hatches”

MC-249134 - 字幕“Frog hatches”应为“Tadpole hatches”

MC-249143 - Mud, Mangrove Roots, and their variants are too loud in comparison with other blocks

MC-249143 - 泥巴和红树根及其变种的音效比其他方块的响

MC-249171 - Map color for mangrove log is incorrect

MC-249171 - 红树原木在地图上的颜色不正确

MC-249172 - Map color for mangrove slab is incorrect

MC-249172 - 红树木台阶在地图上的颜色不正确

MC-249173 - Map color for mangrove trapdoor is incorrect

MC-249173 - 红树木活板门在地图上的颜色不正确

MC-249174 - Map color for mud bricks, mud brick stairs, and mud brick walls is incorrect

MC-249174 - 泥砖、泥砖楼梯和泥砖墙的在地图上的颜色不正确

MC-249181 - Powered rail / activator rail update order is reversed

MC-249181 - 动力铁轨/激活铁轨的更新顺序颠倒

MC-249184 - The mangrove fence recipe is not grouped with the fence recipes of other wood types

MC-249184 - 红树木栅栏的配方在配方书中没有和其他木栅栏配方分在一组

MC-249195 - Some Mangrove Propagules float after leaves decayed

MC-249195 - 一些红树胎生苗在它附属的叶子枯萎后悬浮着

MC-249253 - Bee tries to pollinate a waterlogged mangrove propagule and dies

MC-249253 - 蜜蜂会尝试给含水红树胎生苗授粉,因而死亡

MC-249270 - Mangrove leaves do not have a hoe as their preferred tool

MC-249270 - 红树叶没有首选工具

MC-249303 - Mangrove Leaves cannot be composted

MC-249303 - 红树树叶不能被堆肥

MC-249312 - Mud Brick Slab has a slower mining speed then other mud bricks

MC-249312 - 泥砖台阶比其他泥砖的挖掘速度慢

MC-249316 - Mangrove fence, fence gate and boat cannot be used for fuel

MC-249316 - 红树木栅栏、栅栏门和船不能用作燃料

  • 厂商:Mojang Studios_https://www.minecraft.net/zh-hans
  • 包名:com.netease.mc.aligames
  • 版本:
  • MD5值:7452e4e2861c697df2746683f318d933
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