by The Spirit Tracks
Welcome to the official thread of Zora no Densha! Have a nice time browsing the features!
- About ZnD – What is Zora no Densha, and why has it been created?
Features of ZnD – What does the mod provide?
- Signalling and routing
Railways and crossings
Upcoming/ planned features of the next version
- FAQ’s – If you need help, read these first
Bugs – “We are terribly sorry for the inconvenience..”
- How to report a bug
About beta-testing
Currently known bugs/ incompatibilities
- Concerning the mod – The download is here
- Version history
Downloads & Wiki
Contact Us
About Zora no Densha
The idea of Zora no Densha came up during the creation of a server that was supposed to deal with the users in a friendly, yet challenging economy based on an infrastructure of railways. After the server has been created, however, the system appeared unreliable – signalling systems failed, train were randomly teleported, switches deactivated upon unloading of a chunk and signal blocks were set to incorrect aspects. These failures were the inspiration to create a reliable and comprehensive railway system which allows the user to create their own complex train lines easily.
We recommend reading the Message from the author
Signalling and routing
ZnD comes with a variety of signals to allow a safe and pleasant journey.*
Signals that are currently available:
Block Signal [BlS]
The standard signal in front of each signal block
Crossing Signal [CrS]
Displays whether a crossing is passable
Distant Signal [DiS]
Indicates the aspect of a Block Signal placed ahead
A short explanation of how the Block Signal works “on the surface”:
Signals are always in a certain state. Such state tells train drivers how to react; whether they need to slow down, stop, accelerate, and so on. Below is a picture of all states**, from most restrictive (0) to least restrictive (9).
The states are:
0 / Signal is tested.
1 / Error.
2 / Stop: A train has to come to a complete halt in front of the signal displaying this aspect.
3 / Danger: It is highly recommended (and usually enforced) to stop in front of a signal displaying this aspect.
4 / Speed restriction: Usually displayed in front of switches or a curvy track section.
5 / Slow: This state implies a reduction to a certain speed limit (such as 70 km/h).
6 / Proceed: The signal can be passed with the current speed.
7 / Accelerate.
8 / High Speed: The train enters a clear and high-speed capable signal block.
9 / Offline: The signal is deactivated. Shown when there is no track to detect.
As part of the routing system, annotation boards and station speakers are a feature of ZnD since v0.7.
*Signals are compatible with Minecraft tracks only. Due to how Zora no Densha tracks work, they cannot be recognised by Zora no Densha signals.
**States 0, 1, 2 and 7 will be added in later versions of Zora no Densha. They serve special purposes.
Railways and crossings
Zora no Densha adds, depending on the respective version, two track systems.
Information on the new track system (v0.7.1 and above) can be found here.
The old track system’s documentation can be found here.
Whenever tracks and street cross each other, a crossing is necessary to avoid the regular process of scratching off players and animals. Thus, Zora no Densha adds a variety of crossing structures:
Crossing bars
Once closed, players are aware that they shall not cross the tracks anymore. Players can not jump over them*.
Crossing lights
With flashing red and yellow lights and an ear-buzzing sound crossings can be seen and heard even from afar. These come in three types.
Crossing posts and crosses
The crossing posts allow modular construction of crossing structures. Crosses can be added for better visibility or as eye-candy and come in two versions; red-white and black-yellow.
Crossing Box:
The Crossing Box is the heart and brains of each crossing. It receives impulses from contacts and signals and regulates the closing process.
(Crossing) Contact:
This block is placed to detect vehicles. Once a vehicle could be detected, an impulse is sent to the Crossing Box to activate the crossing. Remember that it takes some time to close a crossing, so place the boxes accordingly.
Crossing Signal:
Tells approaching trains whether the crossing has been properly secured.
You can find more information on our Wiki page right here.
*A player may jump over a crossing bar with aid of a potion or other means.
Zora no Densha allows players to assemble their own rolling stock in an in-game model editor. You can choose from a palette of pre-installed vehicle parts to assemble your own rolling stock. Otherwise you might enjoy the variety of pre-installed vehicles (so-called “Presets”). Once you’re set, a Preset can be turned into a blueprint. Then, the blueprint can be placed on maintenance tracks to spawn a guide model. Craft and apply all vehicle parts, and you’re good to go.
Many vehicle parts have special properties, such as colorisation, or interaction with other entities or vehicles.
You can also share your Presets with the world! Simply click the “Export as File” button in the Engineer’s Table GUI, and grab your Preset file from the Add-Ons directory in your mods/Zora no Densha/ folder.
If you still feel like there’s not enough to work with, you can always create your own custom vehicle parts and implement these into the game using the Zora no Densha Vehicle Part API. Please note that this requires some basic modding knowledge.
Upcoming/ Planned features
Please note that all features mentioned below may be subject of change or removal.
Features for Zora no Densha v0.8 include:
The new track system will be finished
An entirely new train system will be added – Realistic coupling and physics as well as customized trains.
A configuration program for you to access the .cfg file easier
Heaps of fixes
Another small Easter egg
Some more things..
Guides to ZnD
Building a crossing
Build a crossing in five easy steps:
Place either barriers or lights (or both) at places you think seem fit. Barriers will close 3 blocks to their side, lights emit a sound and show a blinking animation.
Choose your method of activation:
- Signal activation requires a pre-existing signal block, but will seamlessly fit into any signalling system.
[Automatic deactivation fails since v0.7.3, we recommend manual (de-)activation.]
Contact activation requires the placement of contacts on either side of the crossing, in appropriate distance. Depending on the speed of the approaching trains, the contact should be at least 45 blocks away.
Place a Crossing Box. If you decided in step 2 to use signal activation, it has to be placed with one or two blocks space in between itself and the tracks. If you use three tracks, you need to place two signal boxes between the tracks.
Optionally you may want to place Crossing Signals in front of your crossings. As trains need some time to fully stop, place them far enough between crossing and crossing activation point. We recommend ~2/3 of the distance between crossing and crossing activation point.
Once you are happy with the appearance, grab the “Crossing Worker’s Tool” to link the structures with the Crossing Box and the Crossing Box with the contacts, if you have any.
An example can be found below:
Routing & Station boards
Please view our Wiki. link
This feature is currently worked on and will be released in the upcoming snapshot. An guide featuring the process of creating and driving your own vehicles can be found here, soon.
The signals of Zora no Densha work mostly autonomous. Here’s how to use and place them:
Block Signal
Place them on the left side of a track, with one block in between track and signal.
Right-click them with the “Trackman’s Tool” to open the GUI.
The picture below explains the GUI:
Repeat the same procedure on the other side of the signal block to close off the signal block.
Distant Signal
Place them wherever you’d like them to be, their position is not relevant.
Right-click the Block Signal that shall be displayed with the “Crossing Worker’s Tool”
Right-click the Distant Signal with the same tool
Crossing Signal: See Building a Crossing
Alternatively, you may consider visiting our Wiki. link
Using the Zora no Densha API
Soon to come.
Please have a look at our FAQ page on the Wiki, right here.
How to report a bug
Report a bug in a few easy steps:
- Try to document the bug. (A screenshot if it is a visual glitch, otherwise a crash report and Forge mod loader log file are useful.)
Send us an E-Mail containing:
- The documented data. For example, the crash report and log file.
A description of how we can reproduce the bug. If you are unsure what caused it, try to tell us what blocks were used, what was connected, what happened, etc.
A list of all mods and their versions as well as your Minecraft and Forge version.
After we received the mail, we add the bug to the bug list and try to confirm it. If it has been confirmed, we try to take care of the bug as fast as possible. If the bug requires an urgent fix, hotfix downloads may be available shortly after.
How to apply for beta-testing
An explanation can be found on our Wiki, right here.
Currently known bugs/ incompatibilities
Please view our issue tracker on GitHub over here.
Concerning the mod
Version history
The mod’s versions with their release date can be found here.
Zora no Densha_v0.6_MC 1.6.4 – Released: 2014/11/18
Zora no Densha_v0.7_MC 1.7.10 – Released: 2015/04/09
Zora no Densha_v0.7.1_MC 1.7.10 – Released: 2015/06/22
Zora no Densha_v0.7.2_MC 1.7.10 – Released: 2015/08/02
Zora no Densha_v0.7.3_MC 1.7.10 – Released: 2015/08/27
Zora no Densha_v0.8_Nov2015_MC 1.7.10 – Released: 2015/11/18
Downloads & Wiki
The download as well as helpful links can be found here. Note that the download counts as an acceptance of our License.
Beta-testing spreadsheet
Beta-testing spreadsheet (Example file)
Further links:
Contact Us
Our E-Mail address for support, questions, improvements, etc.:
[email protected]
Our Skype account: