我的世界基岩版 1.20.12正式版来临,正式版包含所有特性且安全稳定,所有玩家都可以尽情畅享。同时Minecraft基岩版1.20.12正式版也修复了之前测试版本的相关问题。
A new update has been released to address some issues that were introduced with the 1.20.10 update.
新版本已发布,解决了 1.20.10 更新引入的一些问题。
Note: This update is not yet available on Nintendo Switch or Amazon Fire but will be published soon.
注意: 此更新在 Nintendo Switch 和 Amazon Fire 平台上尚不可用,但即将发布。
Please continue to upvote and report any new bugs at bugs.mojang.com and leave us your feedback at feedback.minecraft.net!
请继续在 bugs.mojang.com 为漏洞投票或报告任何新漏洞,并在 feedback.minecraft.net 留下你的反馈!
Fixed resource pack crashes with launch of 1.20.10
修复了 1.20.10 启动时资源包崩溃的问题
Fixed a crash that could occur on iOS
修复了 iOS 平台可能发生的崩溃
Fixed connection stability related to "Abandoned connection closed" errors