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2020-08-11 15:00:43 264
文章分类: 教程大全· 其他教程

This readme will give a quick overview on adding your own dakimakura images to the mod.


Quick Start 快速入门


1. Inside the dakimakura-mod directory create a pack directory that will hold all your dakimakura's.


2. Create a directory for your dakimakura inside the pack directory.


3. Copy the images for you dakimakura into the folder making sure they are named front.png and back.png.


4. Start the game and your dakimakura should be listed in the Dakimakura Mod creative tab.


Image Details 图片细节


Dakimakura's in game are 50cm x 150cm so images that are a 1:3 ratio will work best.

The default config settings only allow an image size of 1024*515 per side, larger images will be scaled down to save VRAM. It is recommended that you keep images at or under this size.

Most image formats will be accepted however image formats without compression like BMP, are not recommended as they will take a long time for the client to load.




The directory structure should look like this.











If you are still confused about the formatting check the "Andrew's Vanilla Mobs" pack directory that comes with the mod.

如果你还搞不懂的话你可以参考"Andrew's Vanilla Mobs"这个包。这个包是mod自带的抱枕包。

Advanced Usage 进阶用法


A pack-info.json file can be created inside the pack directory to display more information about your pack. (all elements are optional)



"name":"Pack Name",

"author":"Author Name",

"credits":["Person 1", "Person 2"]




A daki-info.json file can be created inside each dakimakura directory. (all elements are optional)



"name": "Dakimakura Name",

"author": "Author Name",

"image-front": "front.png",

"image-back": "back.png",

"flavour-text": "This text will show at the bottom of the dakimakura's tool-tip",



name: Name of the Dakimakura. If not added the directory name is used.

author: Name of the author. Will not be shown if none is provided.

image-front: File name of the front image. If not provided the mod will look for front.png, front.jpg or front.jpeg

image-back: File name of the back image. If not provided the mod will look for front.png, front.jpg or front.jpeg

flavour-text: Flavour text that will be shown at the bottom of the item tool-tip. Will not be shown if none is provided.

smooth: Should the image be smoothed when resized. Normally it's better to use true for photo realistic images and false for pixel art. Default is true.

name: 抱枕的名字,如果没有填写则使用目录名。

author: 抱枕作者的名字,如果没有填写则不会显示。

image-front: 抱枕正面的文件名,如果没有提供则会在front.png, front.jpg 以及 front.jpeg 里面三选一。文件格式必须是png,jpg和jpeg格式。

image-back: 抱枕反面的文件名,如果没有提供则会在front.png, front.jpg 以及 front.jpeg 里面三选一。文件格式必须是png,jpg和jpeg格式。

flavour-text: 会作为抱枕的补充说明显示在物品的tooltip的底端,如果没有填写则不会显示。

smooth: 是否对抱枕图片进行平滑处理。通常会对非像素画有更好的效果,但是对像素画有反作用。默认为true。

Tips & Ticks 小技巧


The command "/dakimakura reload" can be used to reload all dakimakura packs without restarting the game.

The hard coded max size for dakimakura images is 4096*8192 for each side. Using bigger images is just a waste of space.

Deleting this readme will cause the "Andrew's Vanilla Mobs" pack to be reset.

If you are playing on a server new dakimakura's only need to be installed on the server, they will be sent to the clients when they connect.

使用"/dakimakura reload"这个指令可以让你不重启游戏就可以刷新所有的抱枕包


删了这个readme会导致重置整个"Andrew's Vanilla Mobs"包。


关键词: 教程 抱枕
