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威利斯大厦(Willis Tower)|1.16.X版本

2021-03-17 16:35:20 1001
文章分类: 手机版地图

The design, size, shape, and elevator of Willis Tower, recreated in Minecraft!


You can explore the building, live on a floor, build a town, use the working elevator, do a survival challenge, and more! There are endless possibilities, and I hope you enjoy this faithful recreation of the Willis Tower in Minecraft.

你可以探索建筑,住在其中,建立一个小镇,使用工程电梯,做些生存挑战,等等! 有无限的可能性,希望你喜欢这个在Minecraft中真实再现的威利斯大厦。

The Willis Tower goes all the way to the height limit! The lobby is furnished, as well as a few floors. Claim any floor as your own and have the time of your life! It looks even better when you enable RTX!



 下载地址 ylu1

关键词: 基岩版地图
