Scaling Health Mod可以给玩家的游戏增加难度,如果你觉得游戏太简单了,这个模组正好适合你~
- 通过修改玩家和怪物的血量来平衡难度(增加/降低)。
- 安装此mod后一只鸡可能会拥有上千的血量。
- 每人难度系统。 跟踪每个玩家的难度值。有几个因素可以增加/减少您的难度。默认情况下,随着时间的流逝,它缓慢增加。随着难度的增加,小怪变得越来越强。生物强度是根据几种方法之一计算的(请参见下文)。您可以根据自己的喜好调整/禁用此功能。
- 更多的玩家血量! 或更少。玩家可以获得可以增加最大生命值的HP容器。通常,即使死亡,您也可以保持额外的生命值状况(可以配置)。玩家的开始生命值也可以更改,并且最大生命状况上限也是可配置的。您还可以设置运行状况以随着XP级别增加/减少。
- 超级多的配置权限。 大量的配置选项可让您随心所欲地玩游戏!甚至还有游戏中的MOD配置,因此您可以在游戏中直接调整选项而无需重新启动游戏。
- Silent Lib 和Java 8或更高版本。
- ejektaflex的Scaling Wealth(1.12.2)-允许根据难度自定义生物掉落。Scaling Health允许使用战利品表来完成此操作,但是此mod在不存在战利品表或不便进行编辑的情况下很有用。
作者原文介绍: Minecraft too easy for you? After playing the game for years, I can't help but feel it is. Or perhaps it's too hard with all the crazy mods you've added? Scaling Health aims to balance out modpacks, by allowing players, mobs, or both to gain extra health! Or players can start with less health, if that's what you want. The mod is highly configurable. This mod started as an unofficial port of Difficult Life, a mod I personally loved playing with. Eventually, I decided to rebuild the mod from the ground up, fixing bugs, adding more config options and widening the scope of the mod to include players who need an easier experience, not just a harder one. The difficulty system is very server-friendly, unlike the system used in Difficult Life. |
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支持的MC版本: 1.15.2 1.14.4 1.14.3 1.14.2 1.13.2 1.12.2 1.12.1 1.12 1.11.2 1.11 1.10.2 1.10.1 1.10 1.9.4