Minecraft 基岩版 Beta 发布
Minecraft Beta -
Features and Bug Fixes
- Andesite and Diorite no longer generate excessively throughout the world (MCPE-130185)
- 安山岩和闪长岩不再会在世界各处大量生成(MCPE-130185)
- Fixed a crash that could occur when using a Fire Charge on Candles from certain angles
- 修复了在特定角度使用火焰弹和蜡烛时的崩溃
- Fertilizing Grass Block with Bone Meal generates the appropriate number of plants (MCPE-128967)
- 对草方块使用骨粉现在能生成适当数量的植物了(MCPE-128967)
- Fixed a crash that could occur if a structure was placed with a command in an unloaded area and that structure was deleted
- 修复了使用命令将已删除的建筑放在未加载区块时的崩溃
- Fixed a bug that could cause Nether Portals to sometimes take players to wrong coordinates (MCPE-115933)
- 修复了下界传送门将玩家传送到错误坐标的漏洞(MCPE-115933)